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Director- General of Health of Singapore Kenneth Mak Visited Guang 'anmen Hospital

On August 28th, Director- General of Health of Singapore Kenneth Mak led a delegation of six people to visit Guang 'anmen Hospital. Party Secretary Liu Zhen and Vice President Lyu Wenliang of the hospital extended a warm welcome to the delegation. Ho Kaiwei, Deputy Secretary of Health of Singapore, the relevant person in charge of the Department of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, the directors of the hospital office and the International Cooperation Department, and representatives of clinical experts in the departments of oncology, rheumatology, acupuncture, respiratory, emergency and anorectal department participated in the exchange discussion.

At the symposium, representatives of experts from the departments of oncology, rheumatology, acupuncture and respiratory medicine reported on the clinical research of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)oncology, innovative diagnosis and treatment of rheumatology, clinical evidence and practice of acupuncture and moxibustion and the construction of respiratory medicine, focusing on the clinical application of integrated TCM and Western medicine. The two sides held in-depth discussions on China- Singapore cooperation in TCM, new progress in evidence-based TCM and the promotion of the internationalization of TCM. 
In recent years, according to the deployment of the National Administration of TCM and China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,  Guang 'anmen Hospital has conducted extensive exchanges and cooperation with Singapore in the field of health and TCM.

Director- General Kenneth Mak pointed out that the important achievements made by Guang 'anmen Hospital in the diagnosis and treatment model of integrated TCM and Western medicine and the progress of evidence-based medicine have great implications for the development of TCM in Singapore. He hoped to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Guang 'anmen Hospital in the field of TCM research, promote the application of TCM in the prevention and treatment of major diseases and chronic diseases in Singapore, and improve the health and well-being of the Singaporean people. 

 On the same day, Director- General Kenneth Mak and his delegation visited the history exhibition of the hospital, emergency areas, the outpatient of the anorectal and acupuncture departments, and learned about the construction of departments and the application of TCM characteristics and advantages in clinical practice.

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